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Ingredients for 6 people

  • 4 cl of white or red hypocras according to taste
  • puff pastry
  • 4 shallots
  • 72 large shelled snails
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 4 tablespoons of duck fat


Place the very finely chopped shallot in the pan where the duck fat is heating.
Add the garlic and parsley, then the shucked snails; sprinkle with hypocras and let reduce. Prepare puff pastry bites.
To do this, roll out the dough, cut out a smaller slice with an upside-down champagne glass. In the middle of half of them, cut out a smaller disc with a port glass.
Wet the edges of the large discs with water and place several crowns, making them adhere to each other with a little water ; we will thus obtain bites more or less high. The small washers will form the lids. Fill the bites with the Hypocras snails and cook in a hot oven for about fifteen minutes.