Ingredients for 4 people
1 lobe of foie gras
2 mangoes (not too ripe, they will have more hold and give the tangy flavour)
12.5 cl of soft mead
some good bread
a few grains of sea salt
Remove the lobe of foie gras
Cut it into 8 escalopes (minimum 1.5 cm thick)
Peel the mangoes and set aside half of one
Cut them lengthwise into 1/2 cm thick slices
Cut the remaining half mango into very thin slices (12 or 16 slices)
Arrange these slices in a fan of 3 or 4 and set them aside to decorate the dish.
Flour 4 of the cutlets (for extra crunch, you can use breadcrumbs or crushed plain cornflakes)
In a hot pan, brown the unfloured cutlets for 30 seconds on each side.
Set aside, discard most of the fat.
Cook the thick slices of mango (5 to 6 minutes on each side, they should brown, but not overcook or they will not hold together).
While they are cooking, start to arrange the 4 plates with a few sprigs of salad, and the reserved mango slices, a few pink berries can add a nice touch of colour.
When the mangoes are cooked, arrange them on the plates, while heating 2 frying pans.
In one pan cook the floured liver cutlets for a maximum of 1 minute on each side.
Halfway through cooking, put the first escalopes back into the other pan, already browned, 30 seconds on each side.
At the end of cooking, place them on absorbent paper to retain the fat.
Deglaze the pan that was used to cook the unfloured liver with the mead, while you arrange 1 escalope of each liver on each plate.
Decorate the plates with the sauce from the deglazing of the pan and present the rest in a sauceboat.
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