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Ingredients for 4 people

  • 650g of sweetbreads
  • 1 dl of white Hypocras - 0.5 dl of dry white wine
  • 150g of mushrooms (Paris, chanterelles or ceps)
  • 0.5 dl of veal stock
  • 100g of fluid cream
  • 20g oil
  • 5g of butter
  • 1 bouquet garni


Let the sweetbreads drain (1/2 a day). Blanch them, trim them and put them in the press. Clean and sauté the mushrooms. Reserve them. Season, color the sweetbreads. Make a bouquet garni; sweat it in the sweetbread casserole. Decant the sweetbreads.
Slice the sweetbreads, add the mushrooms, coat the sauce, deglaze with the white wine, add the Hypocras and the veal stock. Braise.
Reduce the heat. Add the cream. Adjust the seasoning.