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Ingredients for 4 people

  • 20cl of white Hypocras
  • 600g foie gras
  • 400g spinach
  • 3dl brown veal stock
  • 4 apples


Cut the foie gras into cutlets about 1cm thick, season (salt, freshly ground pepper), put in a dish. hollow, sprinkle with Hypocras and leave to marinate for 4 hours in the refrigerator, then drain. Wash and peel the spinach, melt a little butter and cook the spinach directly, season and remove. Peel the apples, cut into quarters, butter them in a frying pan, salt and pepper, remove. In the same skillet, sear the foie gras escalopes, cook for 2 minutes on each side, remove to absorbent paper. Degrease the pan and deglaze with 2/3 of the Hypocras marinade, reduce to syrup, add the brown stock and the rest of the marinade. In the center of a plate, spread out a little spinach, place the hot slices of foie gras on top and around the apple quarters. Place in the hot oven for a minute and coat with sauce.